Programs & Initiatives
Community Outreach
Education Resources
Vancouver Bee Project loves to provide education to anyone interested in bee and pollinator education. If you have an event where you'd like to have bees contact us!
We believe in the power of education and outreach to create a future where bees and their habitats are protected and valued. Through workshops, presentations, and educational resources, we educate communities about the important role bees play and how they can support and protect them.
Here are some great educational resources we've come across. If you know of more, send then to us!
OREGON BEE PROJECT - wonderful educational information for folks of all ages
EXPLORE THE BEES OF OREGON AND HOW THEY HELP US MAKE FOOD - educational material focused on 2nd to 5th grade with great information on how bees help pollinate food - lots of great coloring sheets
BEE AND POLLINATOR ACTIVITIES FOR KIDS - nice handout and coloring sheets for kids created by Crown Bees (2nd to 5th grade)
BEE FRIENDLY HANDOUT - nice informational handout from Portland Nursery (all ages)
INDOOR ACTIVITIES AND LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES - provides a list of different links to educational programs provided by Pollinator Partnership (2nd grade and up)
POLLINATOR PARTNERSHIP CURRICULUM - tons of pollinator-based curriculum for folks of all ages
WEST SEATTLE BEE GARDEN - check out our friends at the West Seattle Bee Garden and their educational resources
Recent News
See a draft Vancouver City Council resolution supporting becoming a
Bee City USA® affiliate here.