2024 Native Plant & Seed LIbrary and #Grownativevancouver seed mixes
Welcome to the Native Plant & Seed Library!
At the Vancouver Bee Project, we're excited to offer a community-driven initiative that supports local pollinators and native habitats. Our Native Plant & Seed Library is a free resource where you can access native plants and seeds to help you create a thriving pollinator-friendly garden. Here’s how you can get involved:
How It Works:
Take Native Plants or Seeds: Stop by our Native Plant & Seed Library to pick up native plants or seeds (up to 3 plants and 4 seed packs per household). All plants and seeds are free, and there's no requirement to bring anything in return! Our selection includes a variety of species native to Clark County and listed on the Portland Plant List, ensuring they’re well-suited for our local environment.
Bring Seeds or Plants to Share (Optional): If you have extra native plants or seeds that are on the Portland Plant List and native to Clark County, you’re welcome to bring them to the library to share with others. Your contributions help maintain our library’s diversity and promote healthy, local ecosystems!
Check Our Inventory: We offer Douglas’ Aster, common yarrow, yellow monkeyflower, blue-eyed grass, Oregon stonecrop, big leaf lupine, riverbank lupine, red or yellow flowering currant, tall Oregon grape, mock orange, and evergreen huckleberry. While supplies last. This effort is supported by multiple funders and we may run out of things so please be patient!
Learn and Grow: Take advantage of our native plant care guide and other educational resources to learn more about native plant care, seed collection, and creating a pollinator-friendly space.
Why Native Plants?
Native plants are essential for supporting local pollinators like bees, butterflies, and birds. They provide the specific nectar and pollen that native species need to thrive. By planting native species, you’re not only beautifying your space but also contributing to the health of our local ecosystem.
Get Involved:
Whether you're an experienced gardener or just getting started, our Native Plant & Seed Library is here to help. Join us in making Vancouver and Clark County a haven for pollinators! Thank you for helping us grow a bee-friendly community! 🌼🐝
LOCATION: River City Church 2400 E 4th Plain Blvd, Vancouver, WA 98661
OPEN: Saturday September 28, 2024, 10am-2pm and Sunday September 29, 2024, Noon-3pm with more dates announced later
We are now offering two native wildflower seed mixes and multiple single species wildflower seed from Heritage Seedlings and Liners.
Tough and Tenacious Mix (all out for 2024, check back in the fall of 2025 for new offerings):
Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow; Clarkia amoena Farewell to Spring; Clarkia purpurea Winecup Clarkia; Collinsia grandiflora Blue-eyed Mary; Collomia grandiflora Large Flowered Collomia; Eriophyllum lanatum Oregon Sunshine; Geum macrophyllum Large-leaf Avens; Grindelia integrifolia Puget Gumweed; Ligusticum apiifolium Celery-leafed lovage; Lomatium dissectum Fernleaf Biscuitroot; Lomatium nudicaule Barestem desert parsley; Lotus purshianus American Birds-foot Trefoil; Madia elegans Common Tarweed; Madia gracilis Grassy Tarweed; Phacelia nemoralis var. oregonensis Oregon Phacelia; Potentilla glandulosa Common Cinquefoil; Potentilla gracilis Slender Cinquefoil; Prunella vulgaris var. lanceolata Lance-leaved Self-heal; Ranunculus occidentalis Western Buttercup; Rumex salicifolius Willow Dock; Sanguisorba annua (occidentalis) Annual Burnet; Sidalcea campestris Meadow Checkerbloom; and Sidalcea malviflora ssp. virgata Rose Checkermallow.
Pollinator Hedgerow Mix (all out for 2024):
Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow; Camassia leichtlinii Great Camas; Clarkia amoena Farewell to Spring; Collomia grandiflora Large Flowered Collomia; Collinsia grandiflora Blue-eyed Mary; Eriophyllum lanatum Oregon Sunshine; Gilia capitata Blue Gilia; Heracleum maximum (lanatum) Cow Parsnip; Heuchera chlorantha Meadow Alumroot; Iris tenax Oregon Iris; Ligusticum apiifolium Celery-leafed lovage; Lomatium dissectum Fernleaf Biscuitroot; Lomatium utriculatum Barestem desert parsley; Lupinus latifolius Broadleaf lupine; Phacelia nemoralis var. oregonensis Oregon Phacelia; Prunella vulgaris v. lanceolata Lance-leaved Self-heal; Potentilla gracilis Slender Cinquefoil; Ranunculus occidentalis Western Buttercup; Sanicula bipinnatifida Purple sanicle; Sidalcea campestris Meadow Checkerbloom; Sidalcea malviflora ssp. Virgata Rose Checkermallow; Solidago elongata Canada Goldenrod; Symphyotrichum (Aster) hallii Hall's Aster; and Viola praemorsa Prairie Violet.
SOWING INSTRUCTIONS: Mix seed with slightly moistened sand, vermiculite, or sawdust. Broadcast seed by hand onto weed-free mulch or prepared seed bed. Press into soil and cover with a light dusting of sifted soil. - SOW IN THE FALL FOR BEST RESULTS. All seed commercially grown in Oregon from wild-collected Willamette Valley seed.
Northwest Meadowscapes
(Check out the Common Questions section)
Meadowscaping Handbook
(Check out Site Preparation starting on page 24 of the PDF - From West Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District)
Non native grass is not your friend! The more you can remove before you seed the more successful your meadow will be. Planting in large pots works well!
Thank you to our partners and financial sponsors!
City of Vancouver Naturespaces Pilot Program
City of Vancouver Community and Neighborhood Grant Program
Fourth Plain Forward
Clark Conservation District
Nature’s Haven Native Plant Nursery
Watershed Alliance
Maplewood Neighborhood Association
Rose Village Neighborhood Association
River City Church