Bumble Bee Watch: Citizen Science in Action

Are you passionate about pollinators and eager to contribute to scientific research? Look no further than Bumble Bee Watch, a citizen science initiative that empowers individuals of all ages and backgrounds to help monitor and conserve bumble bee populations. Whether you're a seasoned entomologist or a curious nature enthusiast, Bumble Bee Watch provides an accessible platform to learn about bumble bees, contribute valuable data, and make a difference for these important pollinators.

What is Bumble Bee Watch?

Bumble Bee Watch is a collaborative effort between researchers, conservation organizations, and citizen scientists to track bumble bee populations across North America. Led by the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, the University of Ottawa, Wildlife Preservation Canada, and others, this initiative relies on the participation of volunteers to collect data on bumble bee sightings and help researchers better understand the distribution, abundance, and health of bumble bee populations.

How Does it Work?

Participating in Bumble Bee Watch is simple and rewarding. Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Register: Visit the Bumble Bee Watch website to create a free account and get started. Registration is open to anyone with an interest in bumble bees and a desire to contribute to science.

  2. Learn: Explore the resources available on the website to learn about bumble bee identification, biology, and conservation. Watch tutorial videos, read species profiles, and familiarize yourself with the key features of bumble bees.

  3. Observe: Head outside and start looking for bumble bees in your local area. Use your smartphone or camera to take photos of any bumble bees you encounter.

  4. Upload: Upload your photos to the Bumble Bee Watch website and provide details about the location, date, and habitat where the bumble bee was observed. You can also add notes about the bee's behavior and the types of flowers it was visiting.

  5. Contribute: Your observations are added to a growing database of bumble bee sightings, which is used by researchers to track population trends, identify threats, and guide conservation efforts.

Why Participate?

By participating in Bumble Bee Watch, you become a valuable citizen scientist and contribute to our collective understanding of bumble bee populations. Your observations help researchers track changes in bumble bee distribution and abundance over time, identify important habitat areas, and prioritize conservation actions. Whether you're documenting rare species in remote wilderness areas or common bees in your backyard garden, every observation counts and contributes to our knowledge of these important pollinators.

Join the Buzz

Ready to join the buzz and become a citizen scientist for bumble bee conservation? Visit the Bumble Bee Watch website today to register and start making a difference for bumble bees in your area. Together, we can work towards a future where bumble bees thrive and continue to play their essential role in pollinating our crops, supporting our ecosystems, and enriching our natural world.


Join the Pollinator Week BioBlitz with the Vancouver Bee Project on iNaturalist!


The Great Sunflower Project: Cultivating Citizen Science and Conservation