Welcome to The Vancouver Bee Project

Saving the Buzz:
Advocating for Bees & Their Habitats

Vancouver Bee Project is creating a community effort to educate on the importance of pollinators by engaging folks of all ages as we strive to make Vancouver a certified Bee City USA.

what we do

Our Programs and Initiatives

  • Community outreach & education

    We believe in the power of education and outreach to create a future where bees and their habitats are protected and valued. Through workshops, presentations, and educational resources, we educate communities about the important role bees play and how they can support and protect them.

  • Habitat restoration & conservation

    We work with landowners and communities to restore and conserve habitats that support healthy populations of bees. This includes planting native flowering plants, reducing pesticide use, and protecting critical habitats from destruction.

  • Local advocacy efforts

    We are committed to using the latest research to inform our advocacy efforts and ensure that the voices of bees are heard. Our team works closely with scientists, policy makers, and other stakeholders to develop and promote policies and initiatives that protect bees and their habitats.

ABOUT The Vancouver Bee Project

Vancouver Bee Project - We envision a bee healthy Vancouver

Our mission is to advocate for pollinators and native habitat, engage the community, and provide education about pollinators.

Why do bee’s matter?

  • Bees are vital pollinators that play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems.

  • Threats such as habitat destruction, pesticide use, and climate change pose a significant risk to bee populations and their habitats

  • Pollination by bees is essential for the production of much of the world’s food making their protection vital for ensuring food security.

Coming Soon

pollinator festival 2025

Get involved

Here’s how to help

Become a Bee Educator

Join Vancouver Bee Project in providing education on native bees, honey bees, and plants. Help advocate for pollinators and promote their wellbeing.

Habitat restoration
& conservation

Support Vancouver Bee Project's mission to promote native plant growth and conservation, and help restore natural habitats for pollinators.

Donate Today!

Help Vancouver Bee Project continue to provide education and opportunities to support pollinators.